
Describe Your Settings

We live in an unprecedented era of customizability of physical goods and services. One problem that still appears relatively unsolved…

2 years ago

Charting Apple Health data in Grafana

One of the most interesting datasets I have is my own Apple Health data, which I've always liked playing with. Some…

3 years ago

Windows File Explorer Tips & Tricks

Recently, I've noticed a lot of people (novices and experienced developers) are not using even the popular shortcuts in Windows…

3 years ago

Setting up Visual Studio Code for Web Development

This setup guide is intended for people starting up web development and some of the best tips & tricks when…

3 years ago

Setting up Windows Terminal, WSL and Oh-my-Zsh

Since writing Setting up Oh-my-Zsh, I’ve levelled up in terms of shell usage and customization. I’ve also switched to Windows…

4 years ago

Building a Minesweeper Game using React Hooks

I was looking for a project to improve my knowledge of the most significant ReactJS feature in recent time -…

4 years ago

JavaScript is Eating The World

There is no other language that divides the software development community today as much as JavaScript does. It's a language…

6 years ago