
Compiled vs interpreted programming languages

On my quest to make shorter videos on programming fundamentals, I'm kicking this initiative with a video explaining the mechanics…

3 years ago

Setting up Windows Terminal, WSL and Oh-my-Zsh

Since writing Setting up Oh-my-Zsh, I’ve levelled up in terms of shell usage and customization. I’ve also switched to Windows…

4 years ago

Modern Web Engineering & Micro Frontends

Let me start with a question, how many software engineers do you know that enjoy Frontend development? One question has…

5 years ago

PyCon Cleveland 2019 Takeaways

For the first time ever, I attended the Python Software Foundation's PyCon Conference in Cleveland, USA. I was nothing short…

5 years ago

From Coder to Software Engineer [Part II]

This is the continuation of the discoveries I've made since switching from coding as a hobby to a profession.  If…

6 years ago

From Coder to Software Engineer [Part I]

When I made the switch from finance to software development, I was doing mostly scripting on small projects, nothing major.…

6 years ago

Introduction to Computer Science in 5 Amazing Books

Starting up in Computer Science could be a scary experience for many, but there's nothing to be afraid of. Everybody…

7 years ago